When dealing with people,

If someone says something to you that can be taken 2 ways; good or bad, choose the good one until proven otherwise.

I’ve learned that human relationships are naturally complex BUT assuming positive intent reduces the odds of conflicts & increases empathy.

Am I saying we won’t come across people with bad intentions or character? No.

My point is, our relationships stand a better chance if we don’t go about assuming “men are scum”, “business partnership is hard”, “mothers-in-law are bad”, etc until we have a contrary experience.

Do not label an unknown tree “bad” until you’ve taken a bite of its fruit. Let people surprise you.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Human relationships are naturally complex, but assuming positive intent reduces the odds of conflicts & increases empathy.” user=”Oluwarufus” usehashtags=”no” ]

Stop wasting your emotional energy hoping & waiting for people to harm you.
Considering the law of attraction, expecting the worse is self-sabotaging. That’s most likely what you’ll get.

Always hope for the best.

Set proper boundaries while putting in your best.

And give people a chance to prove who they really are with their words and actions